Booking for In Building Worship

Please find below the link for booking for In-Building Worship

There will be one service on Sundays at 11:00am. The service will also be broadcast to car radios in the car park on 106.5 FM.  

Please note it is one booking per family, make sure to list all members on the one booking. You can also book by telephoning the Parish Office on 028 8772 6635. 

The Parish Office is open for bookings from Tuesday – Thursday from 10:30am to 1pm. 

You do not need to book if you are attending Drive-In Church.

If something happens before Sunday and you are unable to attend, please let us know that you can’t attend as there could be a list of people waiting to take your seat. 

Drive In Church to commence from Sunday 24th May 2020

Drive in Chruch will take place in Killyman on Sunday at 11:30am and the following will apply:-

  • No one is to leave their car.
  • The instructions of stewards must be followed.
  • Toilets will not be available.
  • The Parish Hall and Chuch will be closed.
  • The Graveyard will be closed from 09:30am – 1:30pm on sunday.
  • Only people who live with you should be in your car.
  • There will be a retiring collection.
  • An Order of Service will be available to download on Satuday from our Social Media outlets.
  • If you would like to receive the Order of Service by email, please email

Sunday Morning Worship Services

St Andrew’s Church, Parish of Killyman

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak you will be able to watch the services on our Facebook page and also on our YouTube channel from 11:30am. Links are below:-

Keeping checking the Facebook page for daily updates

YouTube Channel

YouTube Logo

Facebook Page


Stay Safe and keep Praying

Covid-19 Guidelines

With regards to ALL services/events in Killyman, please remember that we are following COI guidelines in relation to Coronavirus (Covid-19)

?STAY AT HOME home if you feel ill and display influenza-like symptoms. The symptoms to be aware of in the case of the coronavirus include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, and fever.
DO NOT come to church services or any church events until you feel well.

?Follow all public health guidance provided by state authorities – the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland (

?Physical interaction during services, including the Sign of Peace has been suspended.

?Shaking hands on greeting and departure at religious services/gatherings has also been suspended.

?Observe good hand and general hygiene – thorough hand-washing with soap or sanitisers and disposal of tissues. Hand sanitiser is available in the Church and Hall.

?The Church’s duty of care extends to members of the clergy. If you have influenza-type symptoms, DO NOT call the clergy for pastoral visitation. Pastoral support for parishioners who are unable to attend church services can be provided by telephone.

Thank you for your support in this time of uncertainty.

Come+Hear Mission Week (Postponed)

In light of the developing situation concerning Covid-19 and recent government guidelines, and in co-operation with the Select Vestry, I need to make you aware of changes to Church Activities.

It is with a heavy heart, and after prayerful consideration, that we have decided to postpone the following events…
Come+Hear Mission Week (15th-22nd March)
The Big Breakfast (14th March)
Graham Kendrick Concert (21st March)
Good Companions (19th March)

Church Services will remain unchanged for the time being.

It is our intention to maintain the teaching of our Sunday School programme as far as this is possible. However, the health and well-being of all parishioners, regardless of age, is our highest priority. As a result of this, we wish to implement the following procedures for Sunday School activities:
– All children enrolled in P1+2 must proceed directly to the Bush Hall, entering and exiting via its emergency exit (to the right of the complex’s main front doors);
– All children enrolled in P3-7 must enter and exit the building using the side door nearest the kitchen and proceed directly into the Main Hall.
– Those who attend Bible Class will meet in the Memorial Room and should enter and exit using the main front door.

Regarding youth organisations and their activities, the Scout and Guide Associations will follow their own guidelines, as directed from their headquarters.

All the above arrangements are highly subject to change and will be regularly re-assessed. Please keep an eye on the Parish Media outlets for up to date information.

Please follow the government guidelines, and those from the Church of Ireland. Please stay at home if you feel ill and display influenza-like symptoms, or if you have been in contact with someone who is ill. Do not attend church services or organisations until you feel well.
The church’s duty of care also extends to members of the clergy. If you have influenza–type symptoms, do not call the clergy for pastoral visitation. Pastoral support for parishioners who are unable to attend church services should be provided by telephone or online (e.g. Skype). Please feel free to contact us anytime.

Lastly, let me encourage you to keep praying, and please be assured that Rev. Chris and myself are praying for you also.

Rev. Mark Lennox