Please find the lastest editon of the church magazine here
Parish Magazine December 2023/January 2024
Please find the lastest editon of the church magazine here
Christmas Craft and Gift Fair 2023
Parish Magazine October/November 2023
Please find the lastest editon of the church magazine here
Parish Magazine August/September 2023
Please find the lastest editon of the church magazine here
Parish Magazine June/July 2023
The latest edition of the parish magazine can be found here:-
Institution of Reverend John Ewart
Tractor Road Run
Our first ever Tractor Road Run was a great success! There was plenty of activity around the Parish Hall and a great buzz of chat and laughter inside and out while everyone had their breakfast.
We were delighted that the rain stayed away and everyone returned safely for tea afterwards.
Well done to everyone who helped make it such a successful day. Now to plan for next year’s run!

A Banquet fit for a King

This morning we had a lovely service to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III led by Martin Clayton. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion and looked amazing.
Directly after the service we made our way to the hall to enjoy our pot luck lunch. Talk about a feast, there was a fantastic array of food left in by everyone, we certainly weren’t going to starve! When we’d all had our fill out came the desserts – I think everyone tried a bit of everything! I don’t think we’ll need fed tonight after all that eating. Tea & coffee followed and then we enjoyed some entertainment from Maureen Steenson & Roberta Armstrong. Bloomhill Accordion band played some tunes and then we had a singalong courtesy of Elizabeth Seale who persuaded the choir to help out. Elizabeth says we all need to practice for next time!
Well done to everyone involved, those who have worked tirelessly all week setting up behind the scenes, I won’t name them as i don’t want to miss anyone out but they have pulled off yet another well supported event which everyone in attendance has really enjoyed. Keep up the great work…… Tractor Run is next!!

We bid farewell to Rev Chris
Six months ago we welcomed Rev Chris Broddle to our Parish as an interim rector and today we say goodbye. What an incredible and busy 6 months they have been. During his time with us, which was to be one day a week and Sunday services, the man never stopped. Three, maybe four times a week, he tended the flock, answered queries, visited the sick and comforted the bereaved. He has made a lasting impression on so many people.
Since November the parish has had various events under Rev Chris’ care. The Craft Fair was a great success after being postponed during the pandemic, we had well attended services over Christmas, a concert with Janet Dowd & David Bell, a hugely successful Big Breakfast, the formation of a Male Voice Choir, poignant Easter Services, Bush Concert, Dungannon Silver Band concert, a special 75 years of Scouting & Guiding Service, a special Mothers’ Union Service, a Diocesan Mothers’ Union Service along with planning for the Coronation Lunch and our 200th Anniversary Celebrations.
Rev Chris has worked tirelessly and we very much appreciate everything he has done. The Church was beautifully decorated with his favourite flowers and bees to give him a good send off. The men of the Male Voice Choir joined the regular choir to surprise Rev Chris and sang 3 lovely pieces. It was a very moving service indeed. At the end Jonathan Fowler, the outgoing Rector’s Churchwarden presented Rev Chris with a token of our appreciation.