Harvest Services
Booking for Sunday’s Harvest services is now open. You can telephone the Parish Office or use the following link: www.ticketsource.co.uk/st-andrews-killyman
Sunday 11:30am Family Harvest Service with Rev. Isaac Hannah
Sunday 7:00pm Harvest Service with Rev. Canon Malcolm Kingston
Donations for the Food Bank will still be gratefully received on Tue, Wed or Thur morning via the Parish Office or at both services next weekend.
Praise in the Car Park
Easter Service Announcements
Good Friday
Morning Prayer 10am – it is essential to book for this service, as there is limited space available.
Booking will open at 10:30am on Tuesday 30th March.
You can book online at www.ticketsource.co.uk/st-andrews-killyman or by telephoning the Parish Office during opening hours, Tue – Thurs 10.30am – 1pm.
Easter Sunday
Drive-in Service with Holy Communion at 11am in the Church Car park.
Ash Wednesday
A video reflection for Ash Wednesday
Worship Update
You will have heard on the news by now that all In-Building worship is suspended until Saturday 6th February and will be reviewed in late January.
This means that worship in Killyman will be online only. A link will be shared on a Sunday morning via Facebook and email. https://www.facebook.com/KillymanParishChurch
DVD’s will still be available for collection from Killyman Post Office for those who do not have Internet access.
As a community we all need to follow the rules, support, and encourage each other.
It is a difficult time for everyone and yet again we are all having to adjust to new situations and demands
Stay at home as much as possible and follow the rules
Please pray for Rev Mark and his family at this time.
Pray for all who are ill and those who care for them. Continue to pray for those in government and those who are responsible for making decisions.
Join in with Online worship each week. Tell anyone you know who might not have computer access that In-Building/ Drive In worship will not be taking place. Advise them about the DVDs.
Keep in touch with members of the Church community and your neighbours to ensure they are ok.
If you wish to receive details about Direct Giving these can be emailed to you.
Stay Safe and Keep Praying
Booking for In Building Worship
Please find below the link for booking for In-Building Worship
There will be one service on Sundays at 11:00am. The service will also be broadcast to car radios in the car park on 106.5 FM.
Please note it is one booking per family, make sure to list all members on the one booking. You can also book by telephoning the Parish Office on 028 8772 6635.
The Parish Office is open for bookings from Tuesday – Thursday from 10:30am to 1pm.
You do not need to book if you are attending Drive-In Church.
If something happens before Sunday and you are unable to attend, please let us know that you can’t attend as there could be a list of people waiting to take your seat.
Drive In Church to commence from Sunday 24th May 2020
Drive in Chruch will take place in Killyman on Sunday at 11:30am and the following will apply:-
- No one is to leave their car.
- The instructions of stewards must be followed.
- Toilets will not be available.
- The Parish Hall and Chuch will be closed.
- The Graveyard will be closed from 09:30am – 1:30pm on sunday.
- Only people who live with you should be in your car.
- There will be a retiring collection.
- An Order of Service will be available to download on Satuday from our Social Media outlets.
- If you would like to receive the Order of Service by email, please email standrewskillyman@gmail.com
St Andrew’s Church, Parish of Killyman Vimeo Channel
Sunday Morning Worship Services
St Andrew’s Church, Parish of Killyman
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak you will be able to watch the services on our Facebook page and also on our YouTube channel from 11:30am. Links are below:-
Keeping checking the Facebook page for daily updates
YouTube Channel
Facebook Page