Worship Update

You will have heard on the news by now that all In-Building worship is suspended until Saturday 6th February and will be reviewed in late January.

This means that worship in Killyman will be online only. A link will be shared on a Sunday morning via Facebook and email. https://www.facebook.com/KillymanParishChurch

DVD’s will still be available for collection from Killyman Post Office for those who do not have Internet access.

As a community we all need to follow the rules, support, and encourage each other.

It is a difficult time for everyone and yet again we are all having to adjust to new situations and demands

✅Stay at home as much as possible and follow the rules

✅Please pray for Rev Mark and his family at this time.

✅Pray for all who are ill and those who care for them. Continue to pray for those in government and those who are responsible for making decisions.

✅Join in with Online worship each week. Tell anyone you know who might not have computer access that In-Building/ Drive In worship will not be taking place. Advise them about the DVDs.

✅Keep in touch with members of the Church community and your neighbours to ensure they are ok.

✅If you wish to receive details about Direct Giving these can be emailed to you.

✅ Stay Safe and Keep Praying