Welcome to Killyman!
At our service on Sunday 24th April, it was announced that the Archbishop has appointed Mr Christopher West as a Deacon Intern for St.Andrew’s Parish.
Chris, who is currently a 2nd year student at the Theological Institute in Dublin will be Ordained to the Diaconate on Sunday 1st September at 7pm in Killyman Parish Church.
Chris will be with us from September until June. His ministry will commence at his ordination. He is 23 years old and is currently a Parishioner of Mullabrack Parish.
Please keep Chris, his parents and his brother in your prayers as he prepares for this very important event in his life.
Also, please pray for:
ourselves, as he prepares to come and work amongst us,
Rev. Mark as he takes up the opportunity and challenge of becoming a Training Rector.
It is an enormous privilege for us as a Parish, and also for Rev. Mark that the Archbishop has selected Killyman for this ministry and that an Ordination Service will take place here.
We look forward to meeting Chris in the near future. We pray that he will feel at home in Killyman and that his ministry here will be richly blessed.